Friday, October 29, 2010

Media Blog 4: A Brilliant Freeware RPG

Exit Fate

Exit Fate is a small freeware game that I came upon about a year ago and absolutely loved.  It's made by one guy in the RPGMaker program, but I found it to be very enjoyable.  As far as the graphics go it can be compared to other 2D sprite based JRPGs from the older days of the '90s, although there are still a few of them around.  The music in the game is taken from other RPGs, and part of the fun is trying to recognize what game it was originally in. 

Combat is very simple.  It's all turn based, with the character with the most speed going first.  If you've ever played any game like this, it'll come right to you.  The game does a good job of telling you how to do things and what you need to know if it seems to be something that's not intuitive.

Here is a video of a combat scene from later in the game. 

Combat in the earlier portions move much faster, but if you're not patient, this game probably isn't for you.
There is a lot of dialogue between characters to read, and the gossip from the townsfolk which may give you hints or tell you something about the game.

It also features a tactical battle mode in various parts of the game where you control armies to defeat an enemy. These can be frustrating at times, but often give nice rewards for getting a perfect score. Characters also boost an army's capabilities so it's recommended to get as many as possible.

There are many characters to add to your party, in fact there is a total of 75 characters, each with their own dialog and story.  Many of them are minor and are obtained through some small side quest, some can be quite unexpected when they join, and others are obvious or given through the story.

The game is of course, free, and rather enjoyable if you like these sorts of games.  I would definitely recommend checking it out at  He also has another game available called Last Scenario, but I'll get into that another time.

1 comment:

  1. EXIT FATE sounds like an excellent game, Silas.

    And this is an excellent blog post.

    Thanks for taking us on a tour of this freeware game.


    Dr. W
